Before you use the app, quickly calibrate it to your piano. Every piano is different, and so there are no magic
default numbers. When I say calibrate, I mean set a high and low volume for the piano and its speaker.
Do the following:
*Touch the "Master V" button until a red rectangle with a volume slider appears at the bottom of the screen.
This is the "Master V" button.
Push the Master V button until this rectangle appears.
*Now push the "Settings" button. Enter 0000.
Settings button
This screen appears:
Touch this button until its light turns OFF.
Touch this button until its light turns ON.
Touch this button until its light turns ON.
Now touch this button.
While the piano plays, turn this up all the way to the right. Don't touch the Set Low button.
When you're done, push Done. The app will now take you back to Main again.
Now we're back in Main.
Touch the Music button.
Pick an orchestrated album. One with Piano and audio.
Touch Settings again. Enter 0000.
This screen appears. This is our Settings page.
Touch this button.
This page appears. This is our Master In Main setup page.
While the piano plays, turn this up until the piano is playing really loud. Louder than you would ever have it play. We need to make sure that we give the app plenty of power to work with.
Crawl under the piano. Turn the speaker volume up or down until it matches the volume of the piano. If the speaker distorts, turn it down a bit, but keep it powerful.
While the piano plays, turn this down until the piano is playing as softly as possible. Once it is, add about 10 to the number that you see. So if the low is 20 (as seen in the picture) and the piano is still playing, turn it up to 30. This way we'll give ourselves a little volume window. We don't want notes dropping out. Touch the Set Low button.
Now turn the fader all the way up to 100. Touch Set High.
Now Touch Done.
Now you're back in Main. Test your volume settings. Turn the piano up, you should have plenty of power. Turn the piano down and you shouldn't have any notes that drop out. If you do, repeat the procedure. With the next update of this app, this procedure will be simpler. However, it's really no big deal once you get the hang of it.
Thank you for visiting this website.
Below is a quick way to get you up and going with your piano, but it may not be the best way for you.
As described on the Setup page (to the right) there are two ways to use this app.
You either have the Master Volume Control of the device itself in Main or not.
I go back and forth on which way is best. The day that I wrote the information below, I was convinced that having Master in Main was the best way. Well today, I think that just having two simple faders (one for the piano and one for the audio) could be the best way. It's so simple and it's calibration procedure works perfectly. The ONLY problem with it is that there is a slight delay when changing the volume. The piano waits a second before it responds. It's not that big of a deal, but since everything is wireless, there is an inherent delay that we can't get rid of. If you were connected directly to the piano without AirPort express, there wouldn't be a delay at all. So, if you would, please take the time to understand how to have Master in and out of Main. Then you'll be able to decide which way is best for you.
One other thing. Having Master in Main means you'll have 3 faders instead of two. There is one problem with the calibration. Right now, you need to add about 10 to the low that you set for the piano. With the next update of the app, that problem will be no more. The No Master in Main does not have that problem. The limits that you set are accurate.
One last comment. Because I have not been able to decide between having Master in Main and No Master in Main, I have left it up to you.